
How To Have A Terrific Day

 How To Have A Terrific Day

I see many people struggling to get a good start to the day.

Sickness, depression, anxiety, fear..
All eliminated with a simple system I discovered 35 years ago.

That's right out of the last 12,775 days about 12,750 I have started every day feeling..
Happy, Healthy, Terrific!
(Yea that still leaves 25 bad days but hey I'm not perfect and sometimes I get weak)

BUT - In all that time I haven't been to a doctor or had more than 2 or 3 consecutive 'bad' days.

The secret is simple..
I Feel Happy, I Feel Healthy, I Feel TERRIFIC!

I'll explain:

35 years ago I got a sales job where it was pretty much mandatory to go out partying EVERY night.
1 minute late for work was a fine of $150, coming to work not 100%, $150 fine, unauthorised day off, $150 fine.
3 Strikes and your out, not partying, your out.

I wanted to succeed in the job so I asked the sales director how it was possible.

He told me it was a simple case of standing in a cold shower in the morning repeating..
I Feel Happy, I Feel Healthy, I Feel TERRIFIC!
And don't get out of the shower until you do.

I can tell you it's hard, sometimes it's very hard, sometimes it takes 15, 20, 30 even 40 minutes but eventually you will be 'self brainwashed' to feel the way you want to feel.

Eventually the brain washing becomes conditioning..

Eventually the conditioning becomes a HABIT

Eventually waking up feeling Terrific becomes a Habit.

When waking up that way IS a habit you no longer need the conditioning.

WARNING: The habit can slip.. regular self appraisal is needed and re-conditioning applied if necessary

You Are Terrific so choose to Live a Terrific Life.


6 Skills of Money Magnetism

6   Skills of Money Magnetism

Download your free eBook: Instant Access

#1: Visualize Yourself into a Millionaire

I’m going to reveal the single most important thing I want you to take away from this eBook…
…it’s your about becoming a millionaire that will dictate whether or not you actually become one. 

#2: Maximize the Value of Your Time

See, the secret to becoming rich is to learn how to make MORE money in LESS time.
the ultimate way to achieve this is to create a stream of , where you continue to make money beyond your hours of working - even when you sleep. 

#3: Seek Out Advice From People Who Are Where You Want to Be

In order to think like a millionaire, you need to learn and take advice from the pros… the millionaires themselves. 
Repeat the following: Every successful person you meet and every interaction you have with them is an opportunity to increase your wealth.

#4: Work Smarter, Not Harder

And by this I mean, getting more done and making more money by putting in the same amount of effort.
But most people never accept this mindset. 
It’s not that we don’t want to (who doesn’t want to work less in order to make more?) but many people are held back by the limiting belief that money and success equates to ‘hard work and sacrifice’.

#5: Make Procrastination a Thing of the Past

This may be one of the more challenging habits to break, but once you do, you’ll be amazed at how much more you can get achieved and how many more opportunities become open to you.

#6: Commit to Spreading Your Wealth and Success

Let me make one thing clear: It IS all possible for you—the rich, happy, successful future you dream of. and you don’t have to get there on your own.
Because all millionaires know that it wasn’t totally, 100 percent their own actions and drive that got them there. It was also the support of others.

The most successful people believe that spreading the wealth is the key to continuing to build their own wealth.


8 Ways Spirituality Helps Sales

8 Ways Spirituality Helps Sales

Self Belief.

Belief and love of yourself is the first step in both sales and spiritualism.

Lose The Fear.

Salespeople, like their customers have fears, fear of failure being one of the salesman's biggest enemies.
When you understand that you are a spiritual being having a human experience 
ALL fear ceases to exist.

Love Unconditionally.

How many times are salespeople told to love their prospects?
Spiritual people know that love is the highest vibration in the cosmos and loving everything unconditionally attracts similar vibrations resulting in happiness.

Healthy Mind & Body.

It's tough to sell if your body is weak or your mind is stressed.
90% of physical ailments and all stress issues are the result of a weak cosmic frequency.
You really can 'Think yourself healthy'

Enjoy Life.

Successful people enjoy life more.
People who enjoy life the most are the most successful.
Which way around do you see it?

Profiting Without Money

Approaching a prospect with money in your eyes and greed in your heart will not lead to success.
Being spiritual will help you see the real profit you gain from EVERY encounter.

Create Intimacy.

"Share or create a secret with your prospect to help become intimate with them"
Great sales advice.
There is no closer intimacy you can share with a prospect than a
Spiritual Connection.

Being Positive.

"Positive Thoughts Bring Positive Results"
You've heard it thousands of times, it's almost become a spiritual mantra.
That's because it's PROVEN to be true and you know it.
YOU are already a practicing spiritualist.

Now you need to work on your spiritualism, explore it, nurture and cultivate it.
Recognising it and accepting it is the first step to achieving happiness and..
More Sales



Basics of Mayan Religion

Basics of Mayan Religion

Religion was an important part of life for the Maya.
Because they built their cities in the rainforest surrounded by nature 
they had many nature gods who could
shape shift into animal or human form.

According to the Maya legend the earth is a giant turtle
and the sky is held up by four mighty gods.

God Bacab
The old god of the inner earth and sky he later split himself into the 4 gods (Bacabs)
Can Tzicnal - of the North, preferred colour is White.
Hozanek - of the South and prefers Yellow.
Hobnil of the East and prefers Red.
Zac Cimi - of the West and prefers Black

The sky has 13 levels split into 3 parts.
13 is a sacred number to the Mayans
Makes up the Mayan Horoscope.

The heavens full of people who died in battle.
The earth where mortals live
The underworld where the rest of the dead live. 

These parts are connected by a giant ceiba tree, 
roots deep in the underworld, branches supporting heaven.

A king or ruler was worshipped as a god and was said to be able to communicate
with the dead 

The Maya built hundreds of stepped stone pyramids,
 these were temples dedicated to the gods
where priests offered sacrifices to calm down the gods when they got angry.
Cities would go to war against each other to steal
food and capture people to offer to the gods.

 They also made daily sacrifices for the sun god,
they feared that if they didn't the sun, which all life depended on, wouldn't rise

Discover what the Maya saw for you -
Instant Access


Teacher Wanted

An Old Man Meets A Young Man Who Asks...

“Do you remember me?”
And the old man says no. Then the young man tells him he was his student, And the teacher asks:
“What do you do, what do you do in life?”
The young man answers:
“Well, I became a teacher.”
“Ah, how good, like me?” Asks the old man.
“Well, yes. In fact, I became a teacher because you inspired me to be like you.”
The old man, curious, asks the young man at what time he decided to become a teacher. And the young man tells him the following story:
“One day, a friend of mine, also a student, came in with a nice new watch, and I decided I wanted it.
I stole it, I took it out of his pocket.
Shortly after, my friend noticed the his watch was missing and immediately complained to our teacher, who was you.
Then you addressed the class saying, ‘This student's watch was stolen during classes today. Whoever stole it, please return it.’
I didn't give it back because I didn't want to.
You closed the door and told us all to stand up and form a circle.
You were going to search our pockets one by one until the watch was found.
However, you told us to close our eyes, because you would only look for his watch if we all had our eyes closed.
We did as instructed.
You went from pocket to pocket, and when you went through my pocket, you found the watch and took it. You kept searching everyone's pockets, and when you were done you said ‘open your eyes. We have the watch.’
You didn't tell on me and you never mentioned the episode. You never said who stole the watch either. That day you saved my dignity forever. It was the most shameful day of my life.
But this is also the day I decided not to become a thief, a bad person, etc. You never said anything, nor did you even scold me or take me aside to give me a moral lesson.
I received your message clearly.
Thanks to you, I understood what a real educator needs to do.
Do you remember this episode, professor?

The old professor answered, ‘
"Yes, I remember the situation with the stolen watch, which I was looking for in everyone’s pocket. I didn't remember you, because I also closed my eyes while looking."
This is the essence of teaching:
If to correct you must humiliate; You don't know how to teach.”

The 7 Mayan Prophecies

The 7 Mayan Prophecies

What The Mayan Priests Would Have Said About You 

The First Maya Prophecy 

announces the end of the present cycle, that from the year 1999 there are 13 years remaining, that every person is in the great room of mirrors to find his own multidimensional nature within himself.
Their calendar contains the coded information which indicates the key date for the transformation: Saturday, December 22, 2012, and from there on.

The Second Maya Prophecy

The answers to everything are inside of man, not outside in the material world. 
It affirms that humanity finds itself in a moment of fundamental transition toward a new way of perceiving the universe…that the universe and the solar system are receiving a beam of light, energy, and information from the centre of the galaxy, and that this is causing an increase in the vibration of the planet and the brain waves and cells of man, placing him with this new frequency, causing enormous changes in his behaviour.
The second Maya prophecy shows two paths: one of understanding and tolerance, and one of fear and destruction.
Man will learn the necessary lessons for the evolution of consciousness.
This prophecy tells us that humanity is moving toward a new era of harmony, and that to get there, we must confront our greatest fears and accept that we are faced with difficult situations in order to learn from them, maintaining peace in any situation which we experience. No matter how difficult the challenges, we can maintain and increase our internal energy, producing a state of high vibration and a state of respect for all that exists.
The difficult situations will remain in our lives as long as we need to learn something from them.

The Third Maya Prophecy

says that we must become aware of our influence on the planet so that we do not continue making mistakes, or causing its destruction, as has happened over the course of history. The processes of industrialisation without ecological sensitivity have caused, with its wastes, a general increase in the temperature of the planet. This will be accentuated by increased activity of the sun, caused by the energy received from the centre of the galaxy, creating great changes in weather and winds.
There will be energy vortexes which will clean the earth’s surface.

The Fourth Maya Prophecy

tells us: man must cease his destructive behaviour, in order to synchronize with the rhythms of nature and adjust to the changes which will take the whole universe to an era of harmony. The climate changes will produce a melting of the poles, allowing the planet to be cleansed and green again, producing great changes in the physical composition of the continents.

The Fifth Maya Prophecy 

says that all systems based on fear which affect our civilisation, will transform simultaneously with the planet and humanity, to take a new step toward the reality of harmony.
Systems will fail to confront humanity with itself, making us see the need to reorganise society and continue on the path of evolution, allowing us to understand Creation. Money will cease to be used as a form of exchange, and the symptoms which are emerging in various parts of the world seem to confirm this.
A single, common spiritual path will emerge for all humanity which will end the established limits we have set for the different ways of seeing God.
The new galactic day is seen in all religions and cults as an era of peace and harmony for all humanity. Therefore, it is clear that whatever does not contribute to this result should disappear or change. The new era of Light cannot allow a humanity based on a military economy which imposes truths by force.

The dawn of the galaxy should be based on PROFOUND RESPECT for each other, and the recognition of all that exists. The new humanity will not need existing technology communication systems, for we will be connected mentally, and therefore violence should cease to exist.

We are at the end of the night of 5125 years; at the end of a galactic day of 26,000 years, at the point of entering the dawn of the galaxy. The era of change which the Maya called “the time of no time” was also prophesied by other cults and religions. All agree that the world is at the point of a change of huge proportions, soon after which will occur a period of chaos which will usher in a new phase of evolution of consciousness and unprecedented changes in humanity.

The Sixth Maya Prophecy

says that in the next few years a comet will appear whose trajectory will place humanity’s existence in danger, also predicted by many religions and cults; in the Bible’s book of Revelations it appears under the name Wormwood.
The Maya knew that for modern man, to discover with anticipation an asteroid so large and then divert it, would be one of the major achievements of human history and a critical act, that would unite us as a species.

The Seventh Maya Prophecy

It is said that in the years from 1999 onwards, the Light being emitted from the centre of the galaxy synchronizes all living beings and permits them to voluntarily access an internal transformation which produces new realities, that we all have the opportunity to change and break our limitations, receiving a new sense. Those who voluntarily find their interior state of peace, taking their frequency of vital energy from fear to LOVE, will be able to Evolve.

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