
How To Have A Terrific Day

 How To Have A Terrific Day

I see many people struggling to get a good start to the day.

Sickness, depression, anxiety, fear..
All eliminated with a simple system I discovered 35 years ago.

That's right out of the last 12,775 days about 12,750 I have started every day feeling..
Happy, Healthy, Terrific!
(Yea that still leaves 25 bad days but hey I'm not perfect and sometimes I get weak)

BUT - In all that time I haven't been to a doctor or had more than 2 or 3 consecutive 'bad' days.

The secret is simple..
I Feel Happy, I Feel Healthy, I Feel TERRIFIC!

I'll explain:

35 years ago I got a sales job where it was pretty much mandatory to go out partying EVERY night.
1 minute late for work was a fine of $150, coming to work not 100%, $150 fine, unauthorised day off, $150 fine.
3 Strikes and your out, not partying, your out.

I wanted to succeed in the job so I asked the sales director how it was possible.

He told me it was a simple case of standing in a cold shower in the morning repeating..
I Feel Happy, I Feel Healthy, I Feel TERRIFIC!
And don't get out of the shower until you do.

I can tell you it's hard, sometimes it's very hard, sometimes it takes 15, 20, 30 even 40 minutes but eventually you will be 'self brainwashed' to feel the way you want to feel.

Eventually the brain washing becomes conditioning..

Eventually the conditioning becomes a HABIT

Eventually waking up feeling Terrific becomes a Habit.

When waking up that way IS a habit you no longer need the conditioning.

WARNING: The habit can slip.. regular self appraisal is needed and re-conditioning applied if necessary

You Are Terrific so choose to Live a Terrific Life.

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